Goal 1

Prayer Time: Keep working on getting up to at least 15 minutes of quality, set-aside, prayer time with God each day and/or increase your already 15 min by 5 or 10min per day (set a timer and really stick with it!)
  • Try starting your prayer time with ACTS prayer (click for explanation and examples).

Goal 2

Bible Reading: Incorporate at least 5 sentences from the Bible in your prayer time...perhaps go all out and use one of the following resources to guide your reading choices:
  • Pick a Gospel, start at the beginning and read a couple paragraphs a day prayerfully
  • 30 Day Walk with Jesus
  • Try out the 40 Day Intensive Bible Challenge (feel free to just do one of the suggested readings per day)
  • Read the daily Mass readings or just the Gospel of the day.  You can find them on the USCCB website.  Avoid the temptation to read online, though--force yourself to open the Book, search for the passage and read within the pages of the Bible

Reminder: You can find a variety of Catholic Bibles at the Our Lady of the Rosary Gift Shop in Little Italy or just google/amazon "Catholic Bible"
Some recommendations if you want a Bible with some extra inserts/learning opportunities:
Catholic Answers Bible
Great Adventure Study Bible

Goal 3

Watch The Search Episode 2: Who Are You  (VERY GOOD, and we will not be watching in class)

In your prayer time, Ask the Lord:
“Father, what is my purpose?”  “Lord, what unique mission did you create me for?”
Then, listen and write what you believe you heard him say?


Make sure you sign up for your FREE Formed.org Account in order to be able to watch the above video and a ton of other treasures you can search for by topic (basically, Catholic Netflix --movies, books, faith formation series, talks by incredible Catholic speakers and how you will watch or re-watch many of the resources sent through this email)!!

  • Go to www.formed.org
  • Click "sign up"
  • Click "sign up as a parishioner"
  • Search by our zip-code (92103) for St. Vincent's
  • Create an account with your email 
You'll have immediate access to thousands of video, audio, book, and movie content that you can trust to share the true Catholic Church teaching!

Click here to find resources & handouts from class and additional videos and other resources that will answer all your questions! Plus--the song of the week!

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