healing ministries

God wants your holiness & wholeness

need healing?

At St. Vincent's we stress the importance of wholeness in our pursuit of holiness.

Jesus Christ is the physician of our souls and bodies, and has willed his Church to continue his work of healing and salvation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we equip our community to pray with power and purpose for your healing. Here are three of our most popular ways you can receive the healing of Jesus Christ—the Divine Physician.


Confession is a place of victory! Jesus did not leave us orphans. He prepared His apostles to act as fathers in the Church. As fathers, they would forgive, like the father of the prodigal son. As fathers, they would help their children to get scrubbed and ready for the family meal, the Holy Eucharist.

Healing Prayer Teams

After every weekend Mass, our trained prayer ministers meet in the side chapels to pray with anyone who needs prayer for physical healing.  We've seen God do amazing things and bring healing and relief to ailments, diseases, & injuries.  No request for prayer is too big nor too "insignificant" for us to pray for.

Freedom In Christ

Freedom in Christ Ministry is a non-confrontational, bible based,  inner-healing ministry. It is designed to move you into a place of freedom where you can see yourself as God sees you—his beloved child. One who has a destiny and a purpose! Through prayer you will be guided to freedom.

Need prayer?

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our intercessory team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis. Your request are kept anonymous unless you specify otherwise. Please fill out our prayer request form linked below. 

I had been experiencing tremendous pain in my chest and tingling in my arms. I have been under a tremendous amount of pressure at work and was feeling like it might be experiencing a heart issue. It all lifted after receiving prayer, even the tenderness in my chest.


I had constant pain in my jaw for months. Gone.


I developed a severe case of Bell’s Palsy completely out of the blue in January of 2022. I was unable to blink, chew, swallow, make any facial expressions, or talk on the right side of my face. Shortly after my diagnosis, I received the Anointing of the Sick, and was prayed over by the prayer teams at that time. That same day, I slowly regained motion to my face, and was 100% recovered within 2 weeks, when I was projected to have months of recovery or permanent damage. This is now 18 months later, and I have not had any residual effects to the Bell’s Palsy, or recurrence. Thanks be to God!


During the August 18th Healing Prayer Service my knee was healed through a word of knowledge. We paused during worship to do a corporate check in and I noticed my constant knee pain was gone. Later that night, the prayer teams stepped forward with words of knowledge, one was for someone with sharp pains in the right knee & elbows. I "knew" it was for me so I claimed it! It's been 1 month without any pain. God is good.


Healed me of sinus pressure on my left cheek.


My shoulder is feeling better after prayer teams prayed over it after Mass.

Paul Santero

Out of the overflow of intimacy with the Lord, we are called to do the works that Jesus did, and the greater things He promised we would do in His name—to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and drive out demons."

See John 14:12 & Matthew 10: 8