What did God do?
We believe testimony is the Spirit of Prophesy! Testify to what you have seen God do for others and yourself. Testimony builds Faith—signaling to others, "if God did that for someone, he could do it for me too!"
We invite you to share your testimony using the form below.
We invite you to share your testimony using the form below.
At St. Vincent's we believe there is power in sharing what God has done in your life. It is a witness to the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When you witness you're prophesying the goodness of God and building up the Body of Christ.
Watch some of the #iWitness stories from our parish below.
Watch some of the #iWitness stories from our parish below.
Like the #iWitness videos, about what God has done in your life and how He has drawn you to Himself, the #discipleshiphomework videos are about what God is doing through your life and how He is using you to bring others to Himself.
As a Catholic Christian the Holy Spirit and power of the Eucharist are within you ready and waiting to be shared with those around you! In these videos —> Fr. Alex points out what the scriptures say we should be doing with that power.
Watch some of the #discipleshiphomework videos below from our parish sharing experiences of doing the things that Jesus did.
As a Catholic Christian the Holy Spirit and power of the Eucharist are within you ready and waiting to be shared with those around you! In these videos —> Fr. Alex points out what the scriptures say we should be doing with that power.
Watch some of the #discipleshiphomework videos below from our parish sharing experiences of doing the things that Jesus did.
Be inspired to grow Deeper with the Holy Spirit
9 Days Holy Spirit Testimonies
But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence...
1 PETER 3: 15
Will you share jesus?
Will you take up the call to be a witness? To share God's love and reality with a hurting world by sharing your own story? Share your story—the unique way the Lord has called you into relationship with Him. Big moments, small moments, overall life transformation/meeting Jesus story or a specific glory story—anything that testifies to the real encounters through which the Lord has changed your life. We call these #iwitness stories.
Additionally, we invite you to share your #discipleshiphomework stories as well. These are the stories of what God has done through you—times where you've done your "discipleship homework" as Fr. Alex calls it, answering Jesus' commision to: "heal the sick, cleanse lepers, cast out demons...etc." (See Matthew 10, Luke 10, Mark 16 and Matthew 28).
Additionally, we invite you to share your #discipleshiphomework stories as well. These are the stories of what God has done through you—times where you've done your "discipleship homework" as Fr. Alex calls it, answering Jesus' commision to: "heal the sick, cleanse lepers, cast out demons...etc." (See Matthew 10, Luke 10, Mark 16 and Matthew 28).
I want to make my #iWitness video
About the video:
- What's a good length? Aim for 3-5 minutes.
- What do I share? Your video will highlight the story about your relationship with God. How has He changed your life? What are ways you've seen Him move? etc.
- How do I prepare? We suggest you start the process by praying about it.
- Is there a template or outline? Feel free to use this Personal Testimony Creation Guide as a point of reflection. It can help you carve out with God what you want to tell the world about Him.
What will I need?
- A device to film your video. It could be your phone, computer or camera.
- This Personal Testimony Creation Guide to get you started.
- Email. Send the video to peggy@vincentcatholic.org
What happens afterward?
- We'll send you a form giving us permission to post on our YouTube page in a collection of other St. Vincent Parishioners #IWitness videos. Fill that out and send it back.
- Share your video with friends after we've posted it to YouTube!

I want to make a #discipleshiphomework video
About the video:
- What's a good length? Aim for a 2-5 minutes.
- What do I share? Sharing some of your experiences doing the things that Jesus did....and wants to do through His Body on earth...US!
- Can I make more than one? Yes! Please make #discipleship videos as often as you want!
What will I need?
- A device to film your video. It could be your phone, computer or camera.
- Email. Send the video to peggy@vincentcatholic.org
What happens afterward?
- We'll send you a form giving us permission to post on our YouTube page in a collection of other St. Vincent Parishioners #discipleshiphomework videos. Fill that out and send it back.
- Share your video with friends after we've posted it to YouTube!