DIP Elements Series - Class 2 RESOURCES

Resources From Class 9/12/23

Scriptures from class (may want to revisit and pray with one a day this week):
Single Verses on God the Father
Psalm 68: 6              John 14: 9-11             Luke 11: 13      Peter 1: 3              Romans 8: 15
Isaiah 64: 81          Malachi 2: 10            Psalm 103:13       Isaiah 63: 16
Passages about Jesus' Baptism
Mark 1: 1-11          John 1: 19-34

Additional Resources on the Bible (not used in class)

Yes there's way more than you could or should get to here...just pray and ask God which ones to check out...try for 1 to 2...but of course if you are in a binging mood, they're available to you:-) Between 3 and 14 min each. 

25 Minute Bible Introduction Video from Alpha
3 minutes on why catholic Bibles have more books.
5 min with Fr. Chris Alar countering some common myths about Catholics and the Bible
7 Min with Fr. Mike Schmitz on how to interpret the different stories in the Bible
8 Minutes -- Great TIPS for praying during your prayer time (and how to KEEP AND MAINTAIN A PRAYER TIME with Fr. Mike Schmitz!
POWERFUL Homily from Fr. Alex about reading the Word of God - 7 min.
Fr. Mike's take on lectio divina 6.5 minutes:
Song of the Week -- about God, Our Father, "Abba" as Jesus called Him...spend 5 minutes praying with this song!

Click here for this week's discipleship homework goals!

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