Goal 1

Prayer Time: Keep working on getting up to at least 15 minutes of quality, set-aside, prayer time with God each day and/or increase your already 15 min by 5 or 10min per day (set a timer and really stick with it!)
  • In your prayer time, Ask the Lord:
    “Father, how do you see me right now?"  "Holy Spirit, is there a new way you want me to learn to pray and interact with You?"
    Then, listen and write what you believe you heard him say?
  • Keep trying to start  your prayer time with ACTS prayer (click for explanation and examples).

Goal 2

Read Luke 15: 11-32 (prodigal son parable told by Jesus) and journal about it.  Write down what you feel the Lord is telling you.  Continue to ask questions of God, and then write down what you feel Him saying back.  Really pray with this Scripture reading it and simmering in it for a long while--seek after the gold and the things you haven't seen before (even if you just heard Deacon Kevin read it last night).

Goal 3

Pick ONE supplemental resource from the RESOURCES Page from this week to watch or listen to!

Download The Ascension App or Hallow --found on the new GENERAL DIP RESOURCE PAGE

Practice looking up Scripture and reading one a day using these verses:
Psalm 68: 6              John 14: 9-11             Luke 11: 13      Peter 1: 3              Romans 8: 15
Isaiah 64: 81          Malachi 2: 10            Psalm 103:13       Isaiah 63: 16
Passages about Jesus' Baptism
Mark 1: 1-11          John 1: 19-34

Click here to find resources & handouts from Class #3 (this past week)

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