Goal 1

Prayer Time: Keep working on getting up to at least 15 minutes of quality, set-aside, prayer time with God each day and/or increase your already 15 min by 5 or 10min per day (set a timer and really stick with it!)
  • In your prayer time, continue the conversation you started in class:
    • Picture Jesus in front of you and hear Him ask you "Who do you say that I am?" 
    • Picture Jesus in front of you and ask Him, "Jesus, who do you say that I am?"
  • Keep trying to start  your prayer time with ACTS prayer (click for explanation and examples).

Goal 2

Either start the 30 day walk with Jesus and do just one reading a day, writing down your insight, or take one of the readings from class each day this week and slowly pray with it, writing down what the Holy Spirit is telling you or what questions emerge from your reading:

Mark 2: 1-11     Matthew 16: 24-28     John 8: 42-59      John 11: 17--44        Luke 9: 28-36

Goal 3

Pick ONE supplemental resource from the RESOURCES Page from this week to watch or listen to or Read one page a day from the Rediscover Jesus book.

Click here to find resources & handouts from Jesus Part 1

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