Goal 1
Continue with at least 15 minutes of quality time with the Lord each day, but if you are already steady there, go for 20-30 Minutes personal prayer each day!
- Ask the Lord questions in prayer and spend time pressing in to listen for answers. Write down what you feel Him telling you.
- Include Bible reading...see below for suggestion that coincides with this week's lesson.
Goal 2
Read some of the following passages during your prayer time each day. These were selected because they were key moments in Jesus' life. Don't feel obliged to read all (many of the Gospel passages are the same story, simply as told by the different writers, but they are just there for your reference and choice)--best to read slowly and prayerfully and ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to highlight to you, and write it down. Next week we'll add some passages about Jesus' teaching and miracles.
- Significant Moments in Jesus' Life
- Luke 1: 26-45 (Jesus' conception)
- Luke 2: 1-20; Matthew 1: 18-25 (Jesus' birth)
- Matthew 2: 1-23; Luke 2: 21-38 (Flight to Egypt and Presentation in the Temple)
- Luke 2: 41-52 (12 Year old Jesus lost at the Temple)
- Matthew 3: 13-17; Mark 1: 9-11; Luke 3: 21-22 (Baptism of Jesus)
- Matthew 4: 1-11; Mark 1 :12-13; Luke 4: 1-13 (40 days of fasting and temptation of Jesus in the desert)
- Matthew 17: 1-13; Mark 9: 1-13; Luke 9: 28-36; (The Transfiguration of Jesus)
- Matthew 26: 26-30; Mark 14: 12-26; Luke 22: 7-20 (The Last Supper)
- Matthew 26: 31-27: 66, Mark 14: 27 - 15: 47; Luke 22: 21- Luke 23: 56; John 18-19 (full chapters) (The Passion, Crucifixion and Death of Jesus)
- Matthew 28: 1-15; Mark 16: 1-13; Luke 24: 1-35; John 20-21 (full chapters) (The Resurrection)
- Matthew 28: 16-20; Mark 16: 14-21; Luke 24: 36-53; (Post Resurrection Commissioning of the Disciples)
- Luke 24: 50; Acts 1: 1-12 (The Ascension)
- Significant Teachings of Jesus (coming next week)
- Significant Miracles of Jesus (coming next week)
Goal 3
Watch Episode 1 of The Chosen....and try not to cry!:-)
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Posted in Meet Jesus Series