Goal 1
Continue with at least 15 minutes of quality time with the Lord each day, but if you are already steady there, go for 20-30 Minutes personal prayer each day!
Goal 2
Read some of the following passages during your prayer time each day. The below are various teachings and miracles of Jesus (obviously all are significant and you should read the whole Gospels, but these will give you a taste of some key points). Don't feel obliged to read all (many of the Gospel passages are the same story, simply as told by the different writers, but they are just there for your reference and choice)--best to read slowly and prayerfully and ask the Holy Spirit what He wants to highlight to you, and write it down.
- Significant Teachings of Jesus
- Matthew 5: 1-12; Luke 6: 17-26 (Commonly referred to as "The Beattitudes" teaching of Jesus)
- Matthew 5: 13-48; Luke 6: 27-49 (The sermon on the mount and the sermon on the plain teachings)
- Matthew Chaps 6-7; Luke 12 (More teachings of Jesus on prayer, worry, and more)
- John 6: 22-71 (Bread of Life Discourse)
- John Chaps 13-17 (Jesus' last words and prayer for us during the last supper)
- Mark 9: 33-37; Mark 10: 13-16 (Childlike Faith)
- Matthew 28: 16-20; Matthew 10: 1-15 Luke 10: 1-24; Mark 16: 14-18; John 14: 12-14 Commissioning of disciples to do what Jesus did
- Luke 10: 25-28 (The Greatest Commandment)
- Luke 9: 23-27; Mark 8: 34-35; Luke 9: 57-62; John 3: 16-20(The Conditions of Discipleship)
- Various Significant Miracles of Jesus
- John 2: 1- (First Miracle--Wedding Feast at Cana)
- Matthew 14: 13-21; Mark 6: 33-44; Luke 9: 12-17; John 6: 1-14 (Multiplication of Fishes and Loaves (only miracle in all 4 Gospels))
- John 11: John 1-53 (Raising of Lazarus from the Dead)
- John 9: 1-41; Mark 10: 46-52; Matthew 9: 14-29; Mark 10: 46-52 (Healing of Blindness)
- Mark 7: 31-37; (Healing of Deafness)
- Mark 1: 40-45; Matthew 15: 30; Matthew 8: 1-4 (Healing of Lepers)
- Mark 9: 14-29; Luke 8: 26-39 (Casting out of demons)
- *Neither list is exhaustive, nor written in any order of importance (there really isn't one)....go and find other cases of Jesus' miracles and teachings to add to the list!!
Goal 3
Read and pray with Luke 9: 1-6 and Luke 10: 1-24; Then watch this homily from St. Luke's feast day about the sending of the 72. Then, watch the scene below from The Chosen of the sending of the 12 (and don't forget to just go back and watch all the episodes in order:-)
Song of the Week: "Fullness of God" by Judah (see Ephesians 1-3....lyrics stolen from the Bible and set to a powerful song!)
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Posted in Meet Jesus Series