DIP Jesus Series - Class 3 RESOURCES

Resources From Class 10/17/23

Audio version of the talk  (Part 2) from Jesus Part 3 with Fr. Alex:
Here's the trailer we saw in class for a very well-made movie, "The Case for Christ." It's the true story about Lee Strobel, a decorated reporter and a staunch atheist.  His wife became a Christian and he set out to prove Christianity false.  In the process he realized there was a ton of evidence that Christianity was actually true, and gave His life to Jesus.  His journey to find the truth is powerfully portrayed in this movie--strong recommendation both for entertainment and edification:

Additional Related Resources

Recent homily from Luke 10--the sending of the 72 and what we are called to do as disciples of Jesus
4 Reasons God took on our Humanity in the Person of Jesus Christ:
First look at the Cross of Christ -- 7 minutes:

Click here for this week's discipleship homework goals!

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