DIP Holy Spirit Series - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK

DHW December 12, 2023

Goal 1

Let's call our personal prayer time (quality conversation with Jesus in a set aside time and space) aim: 20 solid minutes (moving up from 15)....or if you are beyond that already--keep whatever higher marker you have!

Goal 2

Take time in prayer to discuss your relationship with the Holy Spirit with the Holy Spirit.  
  • Ask Him if there are any areas of your life He wants to fill up more with HIs presence.  Ask what that looks like. 
  • Ask Him if there is any way He wants you to repent of actions or thought patterns not aligned with His nature and who He calls you to be a son or daughter of God. 
  • Ask Him to teach you to pray and then pray for Him to transform you, to light the fire in your soul more deeply. Ask Him for action items each day and then respond to those things you feel He is telling you (may simply be the first thing that comes to mind). 

Goal 3

Read one of the Following passages about the Holy Spirit during  your daily prayer time for the next week.  *If you did these last week, go back and read again, more slowly and engage with the Holy Spirit in conversation about it--ask Him for a new highlight.  If you didn't yet get to these scriptures or to all of them--now's your chance! Very good stuff! 

Keep in mind in all of it that we have become children of GOD.  Our lives our meant to be "naturally supernatural" -- read these Scriptures from the early Church with that lens in mind. 
1 Corinthians 12-14
Acts 20:7-12
Acts 19: 8-40
Ephesians 6: 10-20
Hebrews 6:1-6
Acts 5:12-16
Acts 10:34-48
Acts 19:1-8
1 Cor 2:3-5
Jude 1:20
2 Peter 1: 3-4

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