DIP Holy Spirit Series - Class 5 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK

DHW December 19, 2023

Goal 1

Let's call our personal prayer time (quality conversation with Jesus in a set aside time and space) aim: 20 solid minutes (moving up from 15)....or if you are beyond that already--keep whatever higher marker you have!

Goal 2

Take time to ask the Holy Spirit to help you examine your conscience, particularly in regard to:
-Have I participated in any New Age, idolatrous, superstitious practices?
-Is there anything You want me to let go of/throw away -- either material items associated with New Age practices or certain ways of thinking, activities, media intake that is from a source that God says is dangerous and not from Him.
Make a list.  Be obedient to whatever God says.  Pray: "In the Name of Jesus, I renounce the practice of _________________ ".   Take these sins to the Sacrament of Confession. 

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