DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 1 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK

DHW February 6, 2024

Goal 1

During your Scripture Reading Time, try doing a lectio Divina (Prayerful reading, conversational with the Holy Spirit) about the following passages that have to do with the Church.  Do a different one each day:
Matthew 16: 13-19
2 Thessalonians 2: 15
1 Timothy 3: 14-16
1 Corinthians 12: 14-24
Ephesians 1: 22-23
Matthew 18:15-20

Goal 2

Try praying with the method Fr. Alex taught 2 weeks ago for 15 minutes each day. This week try asking questions about the Church, your roll in it, Church teachings you find hard to understand.  Some questions are suggested below.  As mentioned in the teaching, it's also a great idea to write down what you feel the Lord is saying.

Questions about the Church: 
  • Holy Spirit, how do You want me to see Your Church?
  • Holy Spirit, what is my role in the Church?
  • Jesus, what is Your desire for the Church?
  • Jesus, how can I help you accomplish Your desire for the Church?
  • Father, who in my life do You want me to invite into Your Church?
  • Holy Spirit, teach me about .... (insert anything you have a hard time understanding).

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