God, Our Father's Love: A mini retreat

Our Father in Heaven Loves You. Like a Real Dad. 

Here are some moving videos of real dad's loving their kids...take them in and then spend time realizing that this is REALLY how God loves you...not ethereal, but tangible, tender, and MORE real than the most significant love you've felt on earth...and completely perfectly, consistently and everlasting like. 

If you picture the above song as God the Father singing to you it's powerful.  

Then check out the full real life testimony of Michael Ketterer (who won the golden buzzer above) and his wife, Ivy and their adopted children.  Especially pay attention to what he says about covering his one son who was afflicted by a demon.  Hear God speak similar things to you.

In light of this testimony read Romans 8: 14-16  and 1 John 3: 1-3 slowly and ask the Father to show you how He wants to reveal His love to you in this particular season.  Write down what He shows you.

Listen to Michael Ketterer's song below about the Kingdom of God, the family that the Lord is inviting us each into. 
Olympic runner Derek Redmond was in the race he had worked toward his whole life, when this happened.  The man that runs out in the middle is his dad.  Let this moment wash over you. See the crowd cheering as the saints and angels in Heaven (Hebrews 12:1), you as Derek, and God the Father as his dad. 
Sit back and soak in this powerfully anointed song about God the Father's love, based on Luke 15: 11-32, the Prodigal Son parable that Jesus tells. 
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