Goal 1

Continue with at least 15 minutes of quality time with the Lord each day, but if you are already steady there, go for 20-30 Minutes personal prayer each day!

Goal 2

Read some of the following passages during your prayer time each day. 

Various New Testament Writings on the meaning of the cross or the crucifixion accounts themselves:
Matthew 26: 36 - Matthew 27:66;  Mark 15: 22-41;  Luke 22: 29 - 23: 56;      
John 19: 17-37;    Hebrews 4:14-15;  Philippians 2: 5-11;   Colossians 1: 15-23;
Isaiah 53 (entire prophetic chapter about our suffering Messiah);
Psalm 22 (Jesus begins to quote this on the cross, "My God, my God why have your forsaken me...rest of the psalm is prophecy about what was happening on the cross.);  John 3: 16-21;Romans 5-8;   Peter 1: 17-19

Various Resurrection Accounts (and you find the others!):

John 20: 1-18;   John 20: 19-31;   John 21: 1-25;  Luke 24: 13-35;  Matthew 28:1-15;  Mark 16: 1-8

Goal 3

Set aside 30min - 1 hour for one day this week to go deep with Jesus on the cross:

Watch (or re-watch) the 3.5 min Our Good Shepherd art/song video, and/or one of the two songs/videos about the crucifxion  and let yourself come into a space of being moved by Jesus' love for you on the cross. THEN

Read one of the Crucifixion accounts above (or part of it) and/or Isaiah 53 slowly and prayerfully, asking the Holy Spirit to make it real to you.  Journal what sticks out, the insights the Holy Spirit highlights to you. THEN

Ask Jesus: "When You were on the cross, did you think of me?" and journal your answer.  
"Holy Spirit, how do You want me to respond to Jesus' love poured out on the cross?" (Write down what you think the Lord is saying).

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