Day 4: MYM 7 Day Challenge

Divine Mercy and Confession Focus Today (Saturday, November 11) 

Meet Your Maker Challenge: Day 4

Scriptures of the Day for Day 4

Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: 
Luke 12: 35-48
Matthew 11: 28-30
John 19: 16-35 (Jesus' crucifixion)

Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live:  
Hebrews 4: 12-16 and Hebrews 5: 1-10
1 John 4: 16-21 and 5: 1-12 (Remember this is FIRST John, the letter written by the Apostles John, not the Gospel written by the Apostle's found very close to the end of the Bible right before Jude and Revelation).
Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions:  Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet .

Divine Mercy Day!

Mid-point Challenge: Go to the Sacrament of Confession and make the best confession of your life! Resources at the bottom of this page.Today we're diving into the great mercy of God and how He calls us to approach His throne with confidence to receive mercy.  There's no day like today! Just do it!!

Picture below was taken this past Saturday (November 5th by one of Patricia's friends at St. Michael's Catholic Church)....pretty beautiful and we are pretty sure there isn't a colored light or stained glass producing those colors, but since we aren't 100% sure we won't claim it.  Either way, it was a powerful blessing and moment for Patricia's friend!! (If you don't know why it's cool, keep scrolling for more resources on Divine Mercy)!

Daily Inspirational Resource

Day 4: Powerful Testimony of BIG conversion from Fr. Donald Calloway.  Short version 9 Minutes.  Inspiring and Divine Mercy Focused

Daily Educational Resource

A brief summary of St. Faustina's life and the Divine Mercy Message she received from Jesus for the world
Today is a two-fer!  The below resource is both educational and inspirtational. 8 Minutes to pump you up to go to Confession.  And that's the big goal today.  Day 4.  Saturday.  Where most Catholic Churches around the world (and San Diego) offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation (i.e. Confession) right before their vigil Mass.  You can find various open churches/times at  Why not make the best confession of your life today!? More resources for that below!

Song of the Day

Day 4: Song, but also a prayer.  Beautiful setting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet in song.  Pray along with it for yourself, your family, your friends, both living and deceased!
Bonus Song: Powerful Lyrics about the saving Blood of Jesus "The Blood" by Bethel Music

Daily Meet Your Maker Moment

Today's Prayer Exercise: The Mercy Hug.  Recall the worst things you've ever done.  Think of the consequences of these actions on yourself, the world, others, your relationship with God. *This is not to bring shame or condemnation, or wallow in the sins we've been forgiven of,  but to face with our heart (feel to heal concept) and take responsibility for the gravity of our order to truly forgive YOURSELF from the heart and release yourself from any condemnation.  AND to receive Jesus' forgiveness--to see His eyes of mercy, even in the worst sins you've committed and hear Him say: "Forgive her (or him), Father, she (he) knows not what she (he) does."

1. Listen to the song below as you picture these moments in your life.  Realize that Jesus is standing there looking at you not with disgust or horror, but with loving sadness, knowing that He has something so much better than the sins you chose in those moments.  Picture yourself being hugged by Jesus. Being looked at with love even in your deepest shame.

2. Tell Jesus you are sorry and hear Him tell you that He forgives you. Feel His hug and hear Him whisper "As far as the east is from the west, so far have I put your sins from me." and "Though, your sins be scarlet, I will make you white as snow."

3. Ask Jesus if He wants you to forgive yourself (He does!) and any steps He may want you to take to heal remaining wounds (perhaps He will direct you to the Restore the Glory podcast, which has a ton of resources for this)

4. Say out loud: "Because Jesus died to forgive me, I choose to forgive myself for .... (filling in the blank and actually saying out loud the weight of the sins and what they cost you and others can be are then nailing all that weight and burden to the cross--intentionally aligning with what Jesus already did for you --you are now, in an emotional, heart-healing way, able to recognize and be freed from any shame you were holding on to).
"I forgive myself and I bless those places where I have judged or condemned myself.  I release myself from all bitterness and anger and I bless myself to walk in the freedom that Jesus died to give me.  I pray in the mighty name of Jesus!"

5. Ask Jesus how He sees you and what name He gives you to replace any condemning words you may have labeled yourself with.

6.  Hug Jesus and thank Him for forgiving you and giving you grace to forgive yourself.  Ask for strength to walk in that freedom and fight off any lies.  

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