Posts with the category “meet-your-maker-challenge”
Day 7: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 13th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: John 10: 7-10Luke 10: 25-28Matthew 7: 21-27John 11: 25-26Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: Galatians 5: 16-26Philippians 4: 4-91 Thessalonians 5: 14-24 Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet . Day 7: Short testimony from Christian artist, Danny Gokey about the dea... Read More
Day 6: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 12th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: Matthew 25: 14-30Matthew 24: 42-44Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: James 1: 22-252 Peter 3: 1-18 Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet . Day 6: Nick Vujicic Powerful inspirational talk from incredible speaker with no arms or legs. Finding your prupose in Jesus F... Read More
Day 5: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 9th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: Matthew 25: 31-46Matthew 7: 21John 11: 25-26Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: Romans 2: 1-11James 4: 7-17 and 5: 1-6 Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet . Day 5: Short Mother Teresa inspiration on living Matthew 25. Longer bonus NDE interview with Fr. Spitzer o... Read More
Day 4: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 9th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: Luke 12: 35-48Matthew 11: 28-30John 19: 16-35 (Jesus' crucifixion)Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: Hebrews 4: 12-16 and Hebrews 5: 1-101 John 4: 16-21 and 5: 1-12 (Remember this is FIRST John, the letter written by the Apostles John, not the Gospel written by the Apostle's found very close to the end of the Bible right... Read More
Day 3: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 9th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: Luke 14: 25-33Matthew 18: 21-35Matthew 5: 21-26Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: Hebrews 12: 1-9Romans 12: 1-21 Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet . Day 3: Powerful Testimony from Catholic priest, Fr. Rick who clinically died and came back to life. He shares h... Read More
Meet Your Maker Challenge Overview
by Peggy Tacchino on November 8th, 2023
"You know not the day nor the hour." ~Jesus.The purpose of this challenge is to hear the Lord loud and clear, calling to us the words He spoke so strongly and DIED to impart: "Seek first the Kingdom!" (See Luke 12: 31).Together, with other brothers and sisters who have joined this challenge (over 40 people now!), we'll spend intensive time for one week (November 8-15th) focusing in on the Word of... Read More
Day 2: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 8th, 2023
Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: Matthew 16: 24-28John 5: 24Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live: 2 Timothy 2: 1-13 (St. Paul writing to Timothy...whole letters are amazing. This is also part of that page I turned to yesterday when asking the Lord what He wanted for us) Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Spend some prayer time with the Scriptures of the day.... Read More
Day 1: MYM 7 Day Challenge
by Peggy Tacchino on November 8th, 2023
Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions: Spend some prayer time with the Scriptures of the day. Chew on them. Read multiple times. Ask the Holy Spirit what He wants you to notice. Write those verses and insights in a journal. Ask: "Jesus, what is one instruction you want to give me for how I live each day from this Scripture?"Converse with Him about it and write down what you feel the Lord is... Read More
Series Titles
Archive (by date)
DIP Prayer Series - Class 1 RESOURCESDIP Prayer Series - Class 1 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Prayer Series - Class 2 RESOURCESDIP Prayer Series - Class 2 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Prayer Series - Class 3 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Prayer Series - Class 3 RESOURCESDIP Prayer Series - Class 4 RESOURCESDIP Prayer Series - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 1 RESOURCESDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 1 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 2 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 2 RESOURCESDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 3 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 3 RESOURCESDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 4 RESOURCES
DIP "Hard Sayings of Jesus" Series - Part 1 Discipleship HomeworkDIP "Hard Sayings of Jesus" - Part 1 RESOURCESHard Sayings of Jesus Part 2 - Discipleship HomeworkDIP Hard Sayings of Jesus Part 2 Resources: Abortion, Euthanasia, Death PenaltyPersonal Testimony (General Relationship With God Story) Creation GuideHard Sayings of Jesus Part 3: Gender Ideology with Fr. AlexHard Sayings of Jesus Part 3 - Discipleship HomeworkHoly Week Discipleship Homework 3-26-24DIP Holy Week Mini Retreat
Post -Easter DIP Discipleship Homework 4-2-24Habit Workshop & Stewarding God's Gifts Part 1- Discipleship HomeworkHabits of Discipleship Part 1 ResourcesHabits of a Disciple Workshop Part 2- Discipleship HomeworkHabits of Discipleship Part 2 ResourcesHabits of Discipleship Part 3 ResourcesHabits of a Disciple Workshop Part 3- Discipleship Homework
Habits of Discipleship Part 4 ResourcesHabits of a Disciple Workshop Part 4- Discipleship HomeworkDiscipleship Homework: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 1Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 1Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 2Discipleship Homework: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 2Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 3Discipleship Homework: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 3Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 4Discipleship Homework: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 4
DIP Elements Series - Class 1 RESOURCESDIP Elements Series - Class 2 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Elements Series - Class 2 RESOURCESDIP Elements Series - Class 3 RESOURCESDIP Elements Series - Class 3 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Elements Series - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK DIP Elements Series - Class 4 RESOURCES
DIP Jesus Series - Class 1 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Jesus Series - Class 1 RESOURCESDIP Jesus Series - Class 2 RESOURCESDIP Jesus Series - Class 2 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Jesus Series - Class 3 RESOURCESDIP Jesus Series - Class 3 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORKDIP Jesus Series - Class 4 RESOURCESDIP Jesus Series - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
DIP Last 4 Things Series - Class 1 RESOURCESDay 1: MYM 7 Day ChallengeDay 2: MYM 7 Day ChallengeMeet Your Maker Challenge Overview Day 3: MYM 7 Day ChallengeDay 4: MYM 7 Day ChallengeDay 5: MYM 7 Day ChallengeDay 6: MYM 7 Day ChallengeDay 7: MYM 7 Day Challenge7 Days in Heaven Challenge: Day 1 DIP Last 4 Things Series - Class 2 RESOURCES7 Days in Heaven Challenge: Day 27 Days in Heaven Challenge: Day 3