Day 6: MYM 7 Day Challenge


Meet Your Maker Challenge: Day6

Scriptures of the Day for Day 6

Today's Words from Jesus on how to live: 
Matthew 25: 14-30
Matthew 24: 42-44

Today's Words from the New Testament Letters on how to live:  
James 1: 22-25
2 Peter 3: 1-18
Scripture Reading/Journaling Instructions:  Click here for general instructions, if you haven't seen yet .

Daily Inspirational Resource

Day 6: Nick Vujicic Powerful inspirational talk from incredible speaker with no arms or legs.  Finding your prupose in Jesus

Daily Educational Resource

Fr. Mike Schmitz on How to Make a Vision Plan for life.  7 Minutes.  Convicting. Inspiring. Motivational. Practical.  "Vision focuses our decisions.  Decisions determine our destiny." Don't get to the end of your life and "realize you've wasted it...." Take this 7 minute exhortation seriously.

Song of the Day

Day 6: "Wherever You Lead" Kristine DiMarco - Powerful song about following Jesus wherever He directs.  Make this your prayer, THEN, ask Holy Spirit: What is your vision, your intended purpose for my life? What are dreams You have for me to accomplish during my life?  In the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Month? What are the goals and next steps you want me to commit to in order to get there?  Spend time writing down the vision plan and blueprints the Lord gives you for your life!

Daily Meet Your Maker Moment: How to Have NO Regrets...

Today, as you imagine this was the last day of your life.  Sit with Jesus and look back upon your day, your week, your year, your life and  write down what it is you regret:
  • What do I regret saying?
  • What do I regret not saying?
  • What do I regret doing?
  • What do I regret not doing?
  • What do I regret spending my time on?
  • What do I regret not spending my time on?
  • What do I regret spending money on?
  • What do I regret not spending my money on?
  • What relationships do I regret not tending better to?
  • Are there any relationships I regret putting too much into?

Allow yourself to sit in the weight of the feeling of regret for a minute. Then see Jesus look at you and remind you--you haven't actually died! You have more time to live! Let him show you, in light of those regrets the vision He has for your life.  For your day tomorrow, your week, your month, your year, and for the rest of your life.  

Ask the Lord: "Father, what purposes, plans and dreams do you have for my life?"
Ask:  "Jesus, what practical steps do you want me to take so that I can fulfill the vision you have for my life and not have regrets when I reach the end?"
Ask: "Holy Spirit, what are the things that hold me back from fulfilling the vision You have for my life?"

Write the answers you hear.  Then, in conversation with God, write a vision plan, a mission statement and a one month action plan with SMART goals to help you align to the will of God for your life in both sentiment, promises made to Him, and obedient actions toward what He is desiring for you.

Share this with at least one other trusted person.

Pray for the grace to keep your commitments and continue to come back to the Lord to seek His  true practical direction for your life in order that you may live it to the full capacity He has in mind for you!

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