DHW January 30, 2024

Goal 1

Try praying with the method Fr. Alex taught for 15 minutes each day.  You can use the questions He suggested, follow up ones and/or other questions you want to ask God.  Journal your responses.  (Re-listening to the teaching and be coached again 1 time before you do it on your own may be helpful...find that on the resource page linked below).

Basic Questions for God:
  • Jesus, do You love me?
  • Father, how do you want me to see myself right now?
  • Holy Spirit, how do you want me to experience you right now?
  • Jesus, here is how I see this situation...how do You see it? How do You want me to see it, Holy Spirit?

Goal 2

Come to the Encounter Conference this Friday and Saturday! Register here if you haven't...or at the door.  5:30 Friday doors open.  Worship starts at 6:15.

Do you want to support our work to make disciples of Jesus?

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